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Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (cyanoHABs) are becoming more frequent and intense globally, with climate change playing a significant

role in their exacerbation. These cyanobacteria are

notorious for their detrimental effects on water quality and

aquatic ecosystems, primarily due to their production and

release of toxic secondary metabolites. Our research aims

to delve into the mechanisms of action, identify the

bioactive compounds involved, and understand the co-stressors contributing to these negative outcomes.


                                                      To meet our objectives, we employ a varied group of test                                                          subjects that includes fish, water flea, higher plant, green                                                        algae, bacteria and cell line. Our methodology integrates                                                          cutting-edge techniques such as multi-omics, machine                                                            learning, and molecular docking to develop adverse outcome pathways and identify new potential cyanotoxins. Our multidisciplinary approach enables a thorough evaluation of the impacts of cyanoHABs on the health of aquatic ecosystems and the associated risks to water quality.

Chang's Lab

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